Consistent with our mission to be the leading law firm pricing consultancy in the world, we are expanding our pricing related offerings to law firms to include additional pricing-related services. We are doing that with people who are regarded as ‘best in class’.

Richard Burcher (Founder)
Pricing Governance, Strategy, Tactics & Execution
Richard Burcher is widely regarded as the leading international legal services pricing consultant.

Steph Hogg
Procurement, Bids, ITTs, Pitches, Tenders & RFPs
Steph is a seasoned procurement professional with over 15 years’ experience gained in the Financial Services sector as head of legal procurement for a FTSE 100 insurance company, and is one of only a handful of legal procurement specialists in the UK regularly working with the largest and most sophisticated of law firms.

Richard Allen
Costs and Pricing Strategy & Tactics
Richard Allen brings more than 30 years of unique commercial experience to Validatum. He was one of the first professionals to achieve Costs Lawyer status and is one of a select group of Costs Lawyers to have made partner in a solicitor’s practice.

Tanbir Jasimuddin
Pricing & Profitability Analyst & Data Scientist
Tanbir is our pricing analytics consultant, and brings deep knowledge of both pricing strategy and the underpinning analytics technology. Tanbir has a passion for using analytics for improving business performance, and brings considerable expertise in this area, gained through 18 years’ experience in both management consultancy and industry.